More Matter, Less Art!

More Matter, Less Art!

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KJM. Student, Homemaker, Devoted Girlfriend :) Living my simple life with my simple routine. I have my darling, my friends and my family. Life is sweet.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Must Be Funny In A Rich Mans World

Yay for time off work is all I can say :)
Supermarkets are awful during the World Cup, especially for those of us who are bored senseless by 22 men kicking the rejected part of a dead cow across a field surrounded by people who, as a part of their culture, sound like a swarm of killer bees. When people aren't buying copius amounts of alcohol and crisps, they're filling up the nearby pubs and ripping the shit out of the surrounding areas. Fun times. I honestly don't get the whole football culture, which is strange since most of the people around me adore it, people from either side of Liverpool, Manchester, London and wherever else hate eachother for 3 out of every 4 years, then they unite in thier hatred for everyone else for a month, I just don't get it. Don't even get me started on the wages, we could save the friggin economy if we paid these eejits what the rest of us mugs earn in our lifetime!
Enough about football, it's boring, repetitive and almost as annoying as those fucking vevuzuela's!
I had to go to the hospital today, nothing wrong just a visit, and I suddenly remembered why I hate them. They smell like death, theres a horrible feeling when you walk through the wards that if you breathe too deeply all the doom, depression and disease will enter your body and you'll drop dead on the spot, that might be just me, I dunno. I personally think I'm a 50 year old in a 20 year olds body, I recoil violently if someone coughs or sneezes near me and the only thing I can think is "oh my god, its SARS, bird flu, swine flu and mad cows disease all in one, the zombies are here!" and for that I blame the tosspots of the media, thank you for making me a quivering wreck when I step outside my home. Not.
As I've mentioned, the holiday will soon be here, given that I get enough overtime and can actually pay for it, and I am still trying to get in shape! Hoping to get my hands on a pub job so I can burn off the calories in a fun environment (anywhere that isn't a gym basically)
Might have a teensie set back in the fact that I recently discovered I'm very likely to have an underactive thyroid. Isn't self diagnosis awesome, you look it up, find a way to have all the symptoms and then you want to start planning your own funeral (just so no one else fucks it up) but in all seriousness, I have to go for a blood test and I HATE needles! I'm not too bad when things are being injected in i.e.
HPV Vaccination,
but the idea of them taking stuff out is just awful!
I think I'll cheer myself up with pizza :)
Chat Soon

Friday 11 June 2010

World Cup Blues

I'll be working for the next 4 days so I thought I'd get this written while I had my cup of tea. The World Cup has officially started, yay (Not!). The Stadium sounds like it is full of bees and the colours are blinding. I have to say I'm surprised that there hasn't been a bit more emphasis on the fact that Nelson Mandela's 13 year old Great-Granddaughter has been killed in a car accident but then again it's not surprising given that priorities are entirely fucked up for the month, can you tell I'm not a football fan?
In fairness I would hold a degree of interest if Ireland hadn't been cheated out of a place by the French c***'s, but I won't pass too much of an opinion since I'm not the most educated in the field of football (I had to learn the offside rule using the analogy of shoe shopping) but I might have a wee flutter on the overall winner, I've been surprisingly accurate in my wild guessing so my money will go on...Portugal, no idea why to be quite honest. Not as bad as my boyfriend who has his money on Serbia, at least mine has some kind of a chance!
My loyalties will always be with Ireland, even if they aren't competing lol.
In other news, I'm still waiting for my damn exam results, getting quite nervous even though I think I've already passed based on coursework, I hope I've done well in the exams too, I really don't do well under pressure.

Working hard will be the order of the week, both to get the money for the Ibiza fund but also to shed the 'Fresher's Fat' that has decided to latch onto me :( trying desperately hard to find a way to drink copious amounts of alcohol and still lose weight. No luck so far but will keep you posted. Well it's getting on and I better get ready for work. Great.
Chat Soon

Thursday 10 June 2010

The Morning After The Night Before!

Well, too much wine the previous night leads to a sore head the next day. When will I learn??
Had a very good night overall, getting up, not so much. Had to make the weekly visit to my parents (very, very important part of my weekly routine, going home for mummys cooking) lots of salad due to the fact that diets and drastic weight loss are the order of the day, unfortunately. Seriously where do all these skinny people just appear from when the degrees get into double figures!?
Lots of TV on tonight, not that I'm a big fan of the magic box but I have to say Junior Apprentice was very good, poor Jordan, the skinny version of the fat kid on sports day.
Slightly annoyed by the fact that I missed the start of BB11 although I absolutely fucking hate the clown theme! Alas alcohol was the the priority of my Wednesday night. America's got Talent looks like it's gonna be...interesting, for want of a better word.
Finally home after a long day and I have to be honest, the comfort of my own (messy) home and sofa is friggin' awesome! Hmmm Disney DVD and tea methinks :)
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Wednesday 9 June 2010

First Time For Everything

It's quarter to one in the morning and I am doing my first ever blog. To be quite honest I have no idea how to start this, I'm just gonna try and treat it as an online diary, not too intimate but honest enough.
So for starters I'll have to reveal the fact that I'm slightly (very) tipsy and watching the 4th series of 'Lost' having missed the 3rd I'm rather confused, not to worry Sawyer is hot enough for me to endure following it. I am slightly confused by the fact that Locke seems to be the frigging messiah!
*Boyfriend seems pissed off that I fancy sawyer :D sorry darling*

Thanks to my gorgeous genius of a fella I can put this rather handsome picture up hehe :)
(Completely forgot the html Myspace era of my life, thank God!)
I will be starting a new bar job tomorrow, looking forward to that too :)
bit of money towards the Ibiza fund, wahey! Need to be getting into shape for that
(Side note, how crazy did the fat guy in Lost go?)
Well, must be getting back to the vino now and will be signing in not too long from now
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