More Matter, Less Art!

More Matter, Less Art!

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KJM. Student, Homemaker, Devoted Girlfriend :) Living my simple life with my simple routine. I have my darling, my friends and my family. Life is sweet.

Friday 11 June 2010

World Cup Blues

I'll be working for the next 4 days so I thought I'd get this written while I had my cup of tea. The World Cup has officially started, yay (Not!). The Stadium sounds like it is full of bees and the colours are blinding. I have to say I'm surprised that there hasn't been a bit more emphasis on the fact that Nelson Mandela's 13 year old Great-Granddaughter has been killed in a car accident but then again it's not surprising given that priorities are entirely fucked up for the month, can you tell I'm not a football fan?
In fairness I would hold a degree of interest if Ireland hadn't been cheated out of a place by the French c***'s, but I won't pass too much of an opinion since I'm not the most educated in the field of football (I had to learn the offside rule using the analogy of shoe shopping) but I might have a wee flutter on the overall winner, I've been surprisingly accurate in my wild guessing so my money will go on...Portugal, no idea why to be quite honest. Not as bad as my boyfriend who has his money on Serbia, at least mine has some kind of a chance!
My loyalties will always be with Ireland, even if they aren't competing lol.
In other news, I'm still waiting for my damn exam results, getting quite nervous even though I think I've already passed based on coursework, I hope I've done well in the exams too, I really don't do well under pressure.

Working hard will be the order of the week, both to get the money for the Ibiza fund but also to shed the 'Fresher's Fat' that has decided to latch onto me :( trying desperately hard to find a way to drink copious amounts of alcohol and still lose weight. No luck so far but will keep you posted. Well it's getting on and I better get ready for work. Great.
Chat Soon

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