More Matter, Less Art!

More Matter, Less Art!

About Me

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KJM. Student, Homemaker, Devoted Girlfriend :) Living my simple life with my simple routine. I have my darling, my friends and my family. Life is sweet.

Wednesday 9 June 2010

First Time For Everything

It's quarter to one in the morning and I am doing my first ever blog. To be quite honest I have no idea how to start this, I'm just gonna try and treat it as an online diary, not too intimate but honest enough.
So for starters I'll have to reveal the fact that I'm slightly (very) tipsy and watching the 4th series of 'Lost' having missed the 3rd I'm rather confused, not to worry Sawyer is hot enough for me to endure following it. I am slightly confused by the fact that Locke seems to be the frigging messiah!
*Boyfriend seems pissed off that I fancy sawyer :D sorry darling*

Thanks to my gorgeous genius of a fella I can put this rather handsome picture up hehe :)
(Completely forgot the html Myspace era of my life, thank God!)
I will be starting a new bar job tomorrow, looking forward to that too :)
bit of money towards the Ibiza fund, wahey! Need to be getting into shape for that
(Side note, how crazy did the fat guy in Lost go?)
Well, must be getting back to the vino now and will be signing in not too long from now
Chat Soon

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